Monday, February 1, 2010

Spend 'em if ya got 'em

I hate mornings. Really, they are just horrible. If it weren’t for the crutch of highly caffeinated coffee, I’d consider skipping them entirely. However, my waytoochipperforhisowndamngoodinthemorning husband has a diploma from an entirely different school of thought. He somehow managed to convince me yesterday that NOT sleeping in was a good idea.  
He also talked me to do the following:
• Wake up early enough to attend 8:00 a.m. mass
• Drink only one cup of coffee
• Spend faint-inducing amounts of money at Home Depot

OK, so maybe I didn’t need any convincing on the last one. “They were having a sale” is my favorite line and well, they were.

Actually, Home Depot is doing this awesome thing right now, which is perfect timing for our bathroom renovation. It’s funny to use words like “perfect” and “timing” when talking about said restroom because those have never, ever been concerns. We ripped this thing down to the studs two years ago and never put it back together again. We were just waiting for the right time, OK? Actually, we just closed the door and pretended it didn’t exist until it slowly drove us completely insane.

Nothing like a big sale to inspire you to accomplish something; that’s why we waited two years to accomplish anything at all. So, to make up for lost time, we bought so much stuff at Home Depot that we had to make two trips to transport it all home in our pick up truck. From a new shower to a shiny faucet, we seriously  bought it all yesterday.

My favorite purchase? This little beauty:

Isn't she pretty?

A bathroom vanity was seriously a major point of contention in this space. This bathroom is really small and located upstairs where not many people will be viewing it on a regular basis, so it became increasingly difficult to justify spending a lot of money on a vanity. I fought tooth and nail and just as I was about to give up the fight, this vanity fell from the discontinued merchandise heavens and we got this thing for a steal, people. As in, $150 less than is currently listed on their website, steal. It was in an odd location, didn't have a price and had a big "DISC" sign on the side of its wonky-looking box. I knew we were destined to be soulmates. I had to resist my visceral reaction to hug the employee who told me its price, so I instead hugged the vanity, preventing anyone else from claiming it as their own. MINE!

So, we brought our loot home and the reality of having to do serious amounts of physical labor dawned on us 5 minutes later. I mean, it's been torn up for two years; what's another 6 months?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, congrats on the new purchases! Look forward to the the blog in six months with the actual update of what it all looks like! :) Take care :)