Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And so it begins

Hey, remember when I had my Livejournal? Wasn't that fun, interesting and stimulating to your mind? Well, that thing died a long time ago, but I've decided to continue the tradition with a blog instead. I also may have borrowed the idea from my brother who recently started a blog about the recent addition to his family. Either way, here I am.

I'm just a born and raised city girl living in the cornfields of Ohio, living the dream. Dream that consists of cornfields, skunk smells and a pack of deer living in a fenced pen across the street. Why do deer live in a fenced pen? I don't know, but that's what the binoculars we got for Christmas are for. Some would say Cincinnati isn't the "city" persay, but it might as well be NYC when you live in rural farm country. I don't make it back to visit as often as I'd like, so this is a way for you to stalk me without actually stalking me.

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the adventures of life in the country. For now, I leave you with the awesome view of the sunset from our front porch.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Nice blog yo. It's fun when people leave you comments. Hope you stick with it. I leave you with this lolcat . Consider it the bottle broken on your bow of your maiden voyage.