Sunday, April 20, 2008

Projects: the glue that holds Spring together

Spring is upon us, which reminds me of how different life is when you're a homeowner. I remember the days of wishing I could paint the walls "any color I want" but never thinking through the intensity of the painting process. Then again, I am the one who painted my bedroom twice in a 2-month span.

Being a homeowner means that at any given moment, there's alway something around the house that could use your attention. I find myself saying crazy things like, "I wish I didn't have to [insert social event/committment here] because I'd really like to [insert project involving the pulling or weeds or sanding and painting of wood] !" Though, it is important to remember the difference between projects--not all are created equal.

First, there are projects that must be done, like clockwork, whether you like it or not. Items in this category include vacuuming twice weekly to rid your carpet of the rediculous amounts of dog hair gathered there, as referenced by our little angel, Rudi,

dusting, cleaning toilets and mowing the lawn. Also, cleaning all items that are dog hair magnets, like countertops and hardwood floors. On a side note, I have yet to figure out how our dog still has any hair left, what with the insane amounts of hair falling out off her body and all. Too bad I haven't mastered the art of knitting; we'd all have dog hair sweaters and matching scarves by now.

Then, there's the projects that are forced upon you, like when your insurance company informs you that you have 30 days to put a new roof on your house or your policy will be dropped, much like a large sack of potatoes.

Finally, my favorite projects would be the ones that you put upon yourself. Part of you thinks you can do it in a day or two, and perhaps a small part enjoys the self-torture. None the less, these are the projects that take the longest, what with only having to answer to yourself and all. Items in this category include ripping your bathroom down to the studs, (yes, that is what one of our bathrooms looks like currently) putting up drywall in the garage and thinking a small hand shovel is enough to pull out a deeply-rooted shrub. I will only take credit for the last project, as will my sore lower back and muddy shoes. Stump grinder, anyone?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy a larger shovel and some asprin.

1 comment:

KHoff said...

Emily! I am soooo excited that you have a blog. I must say that your photo selection is stellar per usual. Good luck with the house and dog sweaters and scarves. :)